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Cooking With Joy: Garlic Honey Brisket

Garlic Honey Brisket


Most people I work with are used to me talking about “The Blog” and what I have cooking up that week. One of the cool things about me doing this project is people asking me for recipes and cooking advice. It is a nice feeling for sure, but the nicer feeling is them giving me feedback saying that I was helpful. My go to recipe to offer people when they ask what’s good in the book is this Honey Garlic Brisket. I have told many people at work that this is a no fail recipe and everyone who has made it agrees. I am going to say that it is probably my favorite recipe in the cookbook so far!

I actually made this recipe twice with different variations, once for Pesach and once for a regular Shabbos. All of you who have cooked for Pesach know that almost everything that you need is available. One thing that is available for Pesach, but never ceases to gross me out, is Pesach mustard. I was very skeptical putting that yellow “stuff” on a beautiful piece of meat. Since the original recipe calls for Dijon, I knew that the Pesach stuff needed be tanged up a little. I figured I could add some white wine vinegar to achieve that flavor.  I marinated the brisket in the fridge overnight and cooked it in the morning. I was really pleasantly surprised with how the sauce came out even with this Pesach substitution. Of course, at that point, I had nothing to compare it to, I just knew that it came out delicious!

I really wanted to try the recipe again, but this time with the Dijon to see if it could get even better.  This time I forgot that I needed to marinade the brisket so it only ended up marinating for 2 hours. When Hubs came back from work he said he just followed the aroma home- it smelled so good. When I was slicing the meat I just couldn’t stop tasting it (What? It was amazing!!!!!) The brisket tasted out of this world- people at the Shabbos table went back for thirds!

Both times I left out the thyme and skipped the step of reducing the gravy on the stove. The au jus that filled the bottom of the pan was so scrumptious that we didn’t want to do anything to it! Hubs would have drank it straight had I let him. We served the brisket along with mashed potatoes smothered with sautéed onions and the sauce from the pan- my mouth just started watering. I will definitely be making this recipe again and again and again!

Honey Garlic Brisket

Garlic Honey Brisket page 198
DRESS IT DOWN Honey Brisket Pita Pockets

Note: This blog series, Cooking With Joy, is meant to be a companion to the Joy of Kosher with Jamie Geller cookbook.  Most of the full recipes are only available in the cookbook, but this one can be found here.