Our Favorite Bundt Cake Recipes
In real estate, the three things that matter are: Location, location, location. And in cooking, the three P’s are: Presentation, presentation, presentation.
Even ordinary foods get “oohs” and “aahs” when the presentation is something special. And the ultimate presentation trick is a Bundt cake. A Bundt pan is one of G-d’s many gifts to a non-baker. It can make any cake look like a patchka, even if it’s out of a box.
To really satisfy your sweet tooth, here are some more irresistible confections made fancy with your bundt pan:
For more recipes using your bundt cake pan in everything beyond cake check out Everything Bundt The Cake.
And if you are really in a rush just bake your cake out of a box in your heavenly bundt pan and smile as you serve it, I won’t tell!